This system is the most reliable analysis system that gives very accurate results. The Myers and Briggs Personality Analysis System bases its results on four dichotomies (Introverts vs Extroverts, Intuition vs Sensing, Thinking vs Feeling, and Judging vs Perceiving) making i6 possible combinations of personality.
Introvert (I) vs. Extrovert (E)
Introverts are likely to be hesitant; they avoid social interactions, are generally withdrawn or cautions, and keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves. On the other hand, Extroverts are very interactive and utilize energy from the outer world. They are easily adaptable and confidently deal with and enjoy social situations. Extroverts are often the life of the party, but on the other hand they need other people to thrive.
Let’s look at an example. If your friend avoids meeting people, likes sitting in a quiet place, and hardly shares what is on her mind, that friend is most likely an introvert. An extremely introverted person’s body language shows rigidity in public. They may avoid going to crowded areas and try to find a quiet place to chill out. They are most comfortable when spending time alone rather than attending parties. Even in social gathering, introverts may tend to avoid physical contact or involvement in long conversations with new people.
Introverts keep their body language closed and talk in a soft tone to avoid attention. For instance, when you try to engage someone in conversation and suddenly, he/she stiffens, starts avoiding eye contact and talks quickly in order to cut short the conversation, by observing these signs, you will easily identify the person you are talking to as an Introvert.
Extroverts are the complete opposites. They like getting involved in conversations and like being around people. They talk more to keep the conversation going and exhibit many gestures as they talk. They like drawing attention to themselves. Next time you are analyzing someone, first make observations to determine whether that person is an Introvert (I) or an Extrovert (E). Then, move on to the next personality factor.
Sensing vs. Intuition
Intuition is the natural ability that allows you to know about something without tangible proof. Intuition helps you sense something wrong or good to come ahead. People with a strong intuition trust their sixth sense and gut feeling to explore data more deeply rather than a Sensing type.
Intuitive people are future oriented and believe in being innovative rather than following traditional trends. People who believe in their intuition make decisions by being fully aware of the consequences ahead. They find different solutions to solve a problem by trusting their instinct.
For instance, whenever and Intuitive type encounters a challenge, they may use their sixth sense and intuition to make an informed decision. They may close their eyes, analyze the difficult situation in my head, and try to tap into their intuitive side to find an appropriate solution to the problem.
Instead of logically analyzing the situation and rummaging through data, they go with a gut feeling. On the other hand, people with a strong sensory ability believe only what they see and experience. They make decisions with a conscious mind instead of trusting their subconscious mind. Sensors limit themselves to data and do not think beyond what can be tangibly proven.
They believe in logic rather than trusting their sixth sense. They focus more on what is practical and closer to reality. However they may tend to follow the trodden path instead of finding new possibilities and ways. How someone uses language (words) can easily help you analyze if a person is an intuitive type or sensing type. Intuitive people always make things about themselves. If facing a problem, they use their ideas and experiences to find a solution. In a conversation, they will say “I believe, I feel, I think, or in my opinion,” quite often.
Sensing types however, start and end conversations with logic. They avoid repetition and do not give personal real life examples until asked. So is the person you are analyzing a Sensing type (S), or an Intuitive type (N)? Once you have this letter determined, move on to the next section.
Thinking vs. Feeling
This dichotomy refers to how people make decisions. Thinkers make decisions based on a fad or a principle. They analyze the pros and cons and make logical decisions. They make decisions using their brain instead of listening to their hearts. They always look for logical solutions and explanations.
While making decisions, thinkers can be very impersonal, and try to not let their emotions cloud their judgement. They like to see the basic truths involved, rather than relying on what others feel. As opposed to this, those driven by emotions and feelings value these two elements more than logical thought and reasoning. If you make decisions keeping in mind the views and sentiments of other people involved in a situation, it means you value feelings more than logical reasoning and belong to the ‘feeling’ category.
Take a moment to think about the person you are analyzing again. Do you think they are a Thinking (T) type, or more of a Feeling, (F) type? When they make decisions, do they do it based on facts and logic, or are they more concerned about the emotions of others and value tact over complete honesty?
Judging vs. Perceiving
Someone who has a Judging style or personality is well prepared for the outer world. Such people are well-organized, good planners, and to avoid stress, give their best in every aspect. They believe in doing work beforehand and work best before meeting deadlines. They can sometimes have more of a rigid body language, fast gait, and narrowed eyebrows showing their concern regarding work.
On the other hand, someone with a Perceiving personality is more flexible at adapting to new changes compared to someone with a Judging personality. Because they have a strong self-belief, the perceiving types are comfortable making decisions without any specific plans and are good at multi-tasking. They avoid involving themselves in activities that drive them away from their freedom of experimenting.
Someone who has a Perceiving personality will have a relaxed body posture with high spirit. He or she will believe in having light conversations, allowing others to share their ideas, and tend not to engage in stressful conversations regarding work. They challenge the stress instead of letting it challenge them. So is the person you are analyzing more of a Judging (J) type or a Perceiving (P) type? Do they approach life as if it were a checklist of accomplishments, or are they more easy going and apt to freestyle, not completely sure of their next move?
Now that you have identified the four dimensions of personality as displayed by your target, you can look up their personality type online, and read a full summary of their personality profile. One great website you can use is www.16personalities.com. So, if you have determined that your target is likely Extrovert (E), Intuitive (I), Feeling (F), and Judging (J), . Let us now go a step further and learn about individual analysis.